About the District
The Front Range Passenger Rail District is an independent government agency with the mission to plan, design, finance, construct, operate, and maintain a new passenger rail system along the Front Range.
The Colorado Legislature established the District in 2021 through Front Range Passenger Rail District Act (Colorado Senate Bill 21-238).
The District extends from the Wyoming to New Mexico border, spanning portions or the entirety of the 13 counties near I-25 along the Front Range.
The District has the authority to levy taxes, through ballot measures, to fund and support rail programs, including establishing station area improvement districts.
The District is governed by a Board of Directors with 17 voting and 7 non-voting members. Coordination with CDOT, RTD, freight railroads, regional planning organizations, and local communities is crucial to the District’s success.
Board of Directors
Chris Nevitt - Chair
Denver Regional Council of Governments -
Lynette Crow-Iverson - Vice Chair
Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments -
Luis Lopez - Treasurer
South Central Council of Governments -
Joan Peck - Secretary
Denver Regional Council of Governments -
Nathan Anderson*
Union Pacific Railroad -
Tricia Canonico
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization -
Daneya Esgar
Governor Appointment -
Environmental Conservation -
Dennis Flores
Pueblo Area Council of Governments -
Chelsea Gondeck
City of Colorado Springs, on behalf of Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments -
David Harris*
State of New Mexico -
Debra Johnson*
Will Karspeck
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization
Michael Koch*
I-70 Mountain Corridor Coalition -
Josh Laipply
Governor Appointment -
Public Representative -
​Claire Levy
Governor Appointment -
​Resident from City/County within FasTracks -
Jennifer Mitchell*
Amtrak -
Deborah Mulvey
Denver Regional Council of Governments -
Sarah Nurmela
Denver Regional Council of Governments -
Sal Pace
Governor Appointment -
Passenger Rail System Development -
John Putnam
Governor Appointment -
Transportation or Public Finance -
Jose Soto
Governor Appointment -
Statewide Employee Organization -
Dale Steenbergen*​
State of Wyoming -
Herman Stockinger
Colorado Department of Transportation -
Jim Tylick*
BNSF Railway
* Non-voting member
Chris Nevitt - Chair
Lynette Crow-Iverson - Vice Chair
Luis Lopez - Treasurer
Joan Peck - Secretary
Josh Laipply
Deborah Mulvey
Sal Pace
John Putnam
Government Affairs/ Communications
Deborah Mulvey - Chair
Tricia Canonico
Lynette Crow-Iverson
Daneya Esgar
Claire Levy
Chris Nevitt
Sal Pace
Joan Peck
Jose Soto
Herman Stockinger
Luis Lopez - Chair
Dennis Flores
Josh Laipply
Chris Nevitt
Sal Pace
John Putnam
Josh Laipply - Chair
Tricia Canonico
Chelsea Gondeck
Will Karspeck
Deborah Mulvey
Chris Nevitt
Sarah Nurmela
Sal Pace
Joan Peck
John Putnam
Jose Soto
Herman Stockinger
District Priorities
Working with the Federal Railroad Administration, stakeholders, and partners to establish the route, service, operations, and financing plan for the passenger rail service.
Coordinating with CDOT, RTD, the Federal Railroad Administration, and the freight railroads to advance partnerships,
collectively leverage resources, and maximize federal funding opportunities.
Developing a network of supporters to pass a ballot measure that will raise long term, sustainable funding for the rail corridor.
What it takes to operate a new passenger rail district.